Start your journey today to become a small business owner in BC!
If you are a newcomer to the tri-cities and you are interested in starting your own business, you’ll be surprised to learn of the many free resources available to you! There are many libraries and organizations that are invested in helping young newcomer entrepreneurs succeed in creating their small business without breaking the bank.
As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to ask yourself a couple of questions before diving right in, notably – is self-employment right for you? We’ve gathered together our top pointers to help guide you in the right direction, all while making the most out of your amazing entrepreneurial mindset!
Ask Yourself, Is Self-Employment Right for You?
Tip One:
To succeed in self-employment, you need both skills and an entrepreneurial aptitude. Find out if self-employment could work for you. WorkBC outlines what self-employment looks like in Canada. They have a number of success stories for you to read through, and they can help you get started with writing a business plan.
Research Your Options
Tip Two:
The Vancouver Public Library’s Skilled Immigrant Info Centre is often the first point of contact for newcomers wishing to start their own business. Staff have a comprehensive Starting a Business For Newcomers guide to help you navigate entrepreneurship in Canada. Additionally, they offer virtual workshops to help you learn where to find help with small business planning, market research, financial assistance and more.
Tip Three:
Over at the Fraser Valley Regional Library, you can access Business Source Primer with your library card. Here, you can search and browse country economic data, company profiles, industry information, and market research.
Make a Comprehensive Plan
Tip Four:
Your Surrey Public Library card provides you access to Business Plans Handbook within the Gale Virtual Reference Library. The Business Plans Handbook is a collection of actual business plans compiled by entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses throughout North America. This can help readers develop business plans of their own.
Tip Five:
The Small Business Accelerator Program at the University of British Columbia (UBC) offers information on how to evaluate your idea, tools to help you with planning your business, information about where you can start looking for capital to start or grow your business, as well as tools and resources you can access for legal assistance, and management.
Connect with a Mentor
Tip Six:
The Richmond Public Library’s Small Business Clinic Online has partnered up with S.U.C.C.E.S.S. to offer you 30 minutes of free advising from business coaches to support your small business. While this program does have a waitlist, we encourage you to put your name on the list so you are aware of upcoming sessions.
Tip Seven:
Small Business BC offers a Talk To An Expert program which gives small business owners the opportunity to speak and ask tailored questions to a range of specialist business advisors. Get practical business advice for a range of subjects: small business Accounting, Business Broker, HR, Lawyer, Technology, and Website Expert. Services are available via video call, or over the phone in British Columbia.
As you can see, there are many resources from credible sources to help you turn your idea into a business. Beyond this, you simply need to get started. What are you waiting for?