Built in 1994 by Architect Russell Chernoff. The library offers 15,500 square feet of collections and services.
Internet stations, word processing stations, bookable meeting rooms, children’s area, teen zone, Wi-Fi, English as an Additional Language Collections, Storytime Kits for daycares, and Book-a-Librarian service. The library is accessible.
Located in downtown Mission on a major transportation route. Next to the Mission Community Archives and near Mission Community Services Society. Accessible by public transit (see BC Transit: Central Fraser Valley Transit System).
Available in Library parking lot.
Interesting Tips:
- The library is located adjacent to the Mission Museum.
- Library Live and On Tour is an innovative, stereotype-shattering literacy initiative developed by Fraser Valley Regional Library that “delivers the library” to people who do not know about libraries or have some obstacle to visiting them.
- The Playground at FVRL offers customers of all ages free access to fun and engaging STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) related learning experiences. The Playground features lending collections and in-library experiences.