I moved to BC from China. When I landed in BC, I worked in a Chinese restaurant and didn’t have a local social circle. My friends suggested I take English classes to practice the language, so I decided to give it a try. I signed up for English language classes at the Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC). As I progressed in my studies, my English improved, and I began to learn about the diversity of local life and the wealth of community resources available. Gradually, I gained a better understanding of living here, and I started to choose activities that I enjoyed by connecting to a new community through settlement services in BC.
Integrating into Local Life
While at ISSofBC, my teacher, Jonathan, introduced us to volunteer activities that newcomers can join to learn about and integrate into local life. He introduced several activities, and I became interested in Library Champions Project. I wanted to get familiar with the library and community resources, so I signed up. It turned out my teacher was absolutely right. After participating in Library Champions Project, I not only learned a lot of knowledge and useful information but also gained the ability to help other newcomers like me.
Building Confidence
The Library Champions Project not only helped me learn about library and community resources, but also improved my communication skills, making me more confident in talking to strangers in the community, and I made many new friends. It also gave me a clearer understanding of local life and available community supports.
Learning about Community
What surprised me most about libraries in BC is that they offer not only a vast collection of books and beautiful environments but also rich community resources and activities. You can read, study, and print materials here. Additionally, you can participate in community events, watch movies and meet new friends.
Learning Opportunities
I really enjoyed the free, practical information sharing seminars both online and offline. This allows me to learn a lot of local knowledge, such as obtaining a BC driver’s license, attending Canadian Royal Navy meetings, and even how to cultivate succulent plants.
Exploring Options
Since moving to Canada, my career has been diverse, challenging, and fulfilling. Initially, I worked in a busy Chinese restaurant where the owners were incredibly kind. Later, I worked as an assistant florist and even tried my hand at entrepreneurship. Currently, I volunteer at several non-profit organizations, occasionally helping organize craft workshops. In the future, I hope to integrate my passions – volunteering and crafting – into a unified pursuit. Connecting to a new community through settlement services in BC has definitely benefited me.
Bright Future
My advice to other immigrants looking for good jobs is to choose something you love, and dare to try. Explore new opportunities, perhaps starting with volunteering or workshops. Once you’ve identified your goals, focus on learning and training intensively. Each of us is an individual, yet we live together in society. By doing the things we loved, believing in and helping each other, there is no challenge that can defeat us. I hope that each one of us has a bright future ahead.
I take great pride in my love for life, beauty, and living passionately. Though I miss my family, I’m excited for the future.