Start-Up Visa (SUV) immigration to Canada rose 27.4 per cent in July compared to the previous month largely fuelled once again by immigrant entrepreneurs in British Columbia, reveals the latest data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
After welcoming 565 new permanent residents in June through the SUV, Canada granted permanent residence to another 720 immigrant entrepreneurs in July, bringing total immigration under that program to 3,745 new permanent residents for the first seven months of this year.
That’s a 688.4 per cent spike in SUV immigration this year compared to the first seven months of last year when only 475 new permanent residents came to Canada under that program.
Based on the trend set in the first seven months of this year, the country could expect to see 6,420 new permanent residents arrive under the SUV by the end of 2024, a 339.7 per cent increase over the total number of SUV immigrants last year.